Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday - 100728

Active recovery day

2K row @ easy pace

shoulder mobility drills

ohs practice / snatch practice

Basically, everything is sore right now and I feel like shit. I started working out in the AM which had me getting up @ 4:30 AM. It sucked. I'm sure there is a period of transition, but I was a wreck. I'd rather just workout late, even if it's 9:30 at night.

Legs are hurting from squats yesterday. Feeling it in my chest from the tabata push-ups also. Christ. My back is actually feeling much better, but I'm not going to test it. I finally forced myself to stop jumping on a pull-up bar every day to see if it still hurt. It did. Figure another week and I'll re-evaluate. Until then, I'll just avoid pull-ups which seem to be the main source of pain.

Been hitting the zone diet pretty hard lately and trying to focus on quality food. Hopefully, that helps along w/ lots of fish oil.

Rest day tomorrow.

Tuesday - 100727

Haven't shut it down, but I've cut back past couple days. Back is feeling "better".. not 100% though. I'm going to work around the injury for another week or so.

Tuesday 10727

Warm-up: CFWU X 3

Back Squat 5X3 @ 235-235-235-245-245

Tabata Push-ups / Squats
Push-ups @ 17,11,9,7,6,5,5,5 - 65
Squats @ 19,18,18,17,17,16,16,16 - 137

Monday, July 26, 2010

Shutting it down for a week

Stupid. My back and left arm have been bothering me for two weeks, but I've continued to screw around. Avoided pull-ups which were the main cause of pain, but I kept "testing" it, as if the injury would magically subside in a day.

Now, it officially hurts and I can feel the pain doing every day movements.

I was going to do the on-ramp for CFSB this week and avoid pulling exercises, but I have a feeling that I would still aggravate it. Going to smarten up and shut down all training for week.

Stay on top of nutrition (paleo) and take about 6 grams of fish oil / day.

Re-evaluate next week.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday - 100723

Friday, 100723


Buy-In: Buergener Warm-up


Front Squat, 5X3


"Nancy" - scaled

5 Rounds, For Time
45# OHS, 15 reps
400M run


Cash-out: None

This video pretty much sums it up. No further words required.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Thursday - 100722

Thursday, 100722

Buy-in: CFWU X 3 (push-up, kip swing, ohs, samson)


7 minute AMRAP
225# Deadlift, 7 reps
14 pistols - supported
21 double-unders

2 rounds + 10 pistols

Cash-out: Pike push-ups @ 3X10, followed by handstand holds/ partial rom hspu's

Notes - Still cannot do pull-ups due to back muscle pull. Kip swings feel fine, everything else feels fine except pull-ups.

Double unders suck. I could barely do singles after the deads. Killed my time. Getting better at pistols already.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

100720 - Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3 & Max Effort Ring Dips

Tuesday - 100720

warm-up: shoulder mobility, push-ups

max effort ring dips @ 17 reps

shoulder press 3-3-3-3-3

cool-down: none

Notes - The lat muscle on my left side is still relatively sore. I have full ROM, but can feel it when I attempt a pull-up. Like an idiot, I have tested it everyday. Going to lay off it for two days.

In addition, my calves and quads are torched from yesterdays front squats, pistols and hill run. Realized today when trying to figure out a WOD that the only part of my body relatively unscathed was my shoulders. Hence the ring dips and presses.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Front Squats & Hill Runs

Hit two WOD's today -

@ Office Gym, Mid Day

100 X 3 jump rope

front squat 5-5-5-5-5

skill work:
pistols (supported)
2X10 L/R

@ Home, Evening

1 mile warm-up run

10 X Hill Runs (Saddler Hill)

1 mile cool-down run